Let's Talk

Carvana and Vroom aren’t the disruptors.

When’s the last time you heard a sales manager say, “We’ve always done it this way”? It was probably said with good intention, because “it” might work but this mindset will leave you eventually hunting for a last-ditch effort to remain relevant.

Back in 2000, when Netflix was still a start-up the company’s CEO proposed a partnership to Blockbuster’s CEO. He suggested a plan in which Netflix would handle Blockbuster’s online services, and Blockbuster would manage Netflix’s physical DVD rentals. Netflix had just begun subscription services, and saw a future in this model. As the story goes, Netflix’s CEO was laughed out of the room.

Rather than partner up, Blockbuster continued to focus on physical rental stores. In 2007, Blockbuster even turned down an offer to purchase Netflix for $50 million. In 2010, Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy protection

Blockbuster was in charge of their fate, but refused to adapt.

Never think of technology, Carvana or Vroom itself as the disruptor. Resistance to change with a customer-centric approach is the real threat to your dealership.

When dealership’s embrace a culture of change and acceptance of technology they maximize their potential.embrace a culture of change